QuestionQUESTION: WE have a 2004 Dodge Stratus Coupe 2.4 that is loosing coolant. It has been pressure tested 2 times and no leaks were found. Have changed radiator cap.It held good pressure when tested. Fan come on when they should.The radiator fan is a 5 blade.When checking it should have a 7 blade on it could this be the problem that the radiator fan is not moving enough air. Where is the temperature sensor that controls this fan locate.
ANSWER: Hi Danny,
If the temp gauge shown normal operating temperatures then I would believe that the fan and the blade number are not the problem. If there is no overheating but still you loose coolant without any obvious sign and also the pressure test shows no leaks, then I would shift my attention to the tail pipe. Watch to see if when you start the engine from cold you see an abnormal amount of white smoke come out initially and let the smoke condense on your hand and then smell the condensate to notice whether it has the smell of anti-freeze. If so, then that would indicate that you are looking coolant through a leak in the engine, most likely a head gasket leak. Let me know if that is the case.
The coolant temp sensor is located in the thermostat housing on side of the engine that faces the front of the car, at the front end of the engine where you add coolant. The sensor plug is on the side of that housing.
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---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Checked exhaust again and did not have smell.Checked and there are three different fans for this car. there is a five blade fan, 7 blade each have automatic or manual transmission could this be the problem with it not moving enough air over the radiator when idling or driving in town?I drove it on highway for ten miles and checked it did not find levels had changed.Could we have an air lock in the system.I had an older Chryler car
and it would air lock and had to be burped don you think this might be the problem?
AnswerI still don't have an idea about how much and where you are loosing coolant, Danny,
As to the refill procedure, notice that there is a bleed valve just below the base of the neck where you refill the system. Put a plastic hose on that, open the valve, and when filling the system allow coolant to be released out that hose to be recollected. Let it flow until you get a steady stream of coolant. That will assure not air is trapped. Then close the bleed valve and remove the hose. You may just be loosing air from the system, rather than coolant. If your temp gauge doesn't go to H then I don't believe you have a problem.