QuestionQUESTION: I own a 1992 Chrysler LeBaron LX which has been slipping into "Limp In" for a few months now. After replacing the solenoid, input/output sensor, throttle position sensor, and safety switch, I finally just had the car professionally diagnosed at a shop.
Three codes came up:
41 - Low & Reverse solenoid circuit error,
52 - Gear ratio error in 1st gear,
58 - speed sensor ground
Without my tranny manual, I can't find anything about these faults. I would love it if you could tell me anything important about this combination of codes and what to do next. Is this going to be a difficult fix or something that shouldn't cost an entire arm and leg :) Thank you so much!!
ANSWER: Hi Megan,
There are some questions in my mind about these codes.
First off, did you/the shop first erase all the codes by disconnecting the battery for a minute and then by driving the vehicle for a while to get only the fresh codes. Because you have done some part replacements already, if any one of these codes are 'stale' then you would not want to decide on the situation without first clearing all the codes and driving it enough to be sure to set all the present valid codes Only.
If the codes weren't freshly set, then I would do that by briefly disconnecting the battery, drive it a few miles, then go back to the shop and ask them to read them again for free.
There is also problem with the 52 code as that actually is a ratio error in 2nd gear not 1st gear. That is important because the 51 code actually has many possible causes (including an issue with one of the speed sensors or its wires) whereas as 52 code typically means a problem internal to the transmission (meaning big expense) while the 51 might be inexpensive. So go back to the shop that did the diagnosis and ask which code you have, 51 or 52 and not charge you for finding out which it is.
Also before a return to the shop try to remove a code, the 58. The output speed sensor has 2 wires: a light green/white that goes to pin 14 of the ETAX controller located on the right side inner fender, and a dark blue/black that goes to pin 13 of the same plug. Use an ohmmeter or continuity tester to verify that those wires are patent. Inspect the harness for damage if not. Solving that issue could solve the gear ratio code. The output sensor is the one of those pair of indentically-shaped speed sensors which is at the rear of the transmission (but facing the front of the vehicle).
The 41 solenoid circuit code could be a wire problem (check continuity between pin 7 of the 8-pin plug on the transmission (light blue wire) and pin 20 of the ETAX controller.
Did you mean that you replaced the solenoid/pressure switch 'pack' already (you said you replaced the 'solenoid' of which there are several all found in the 'solenoid pack'), in which case this could also be a 'stale' code?
There are other possible causes for the 41 but try that wire check first and see whether of not it is a fresh code.
Let me know what you learn and we'll go from there.
Please read the PS below.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Roland,
Just a follow up with more information to your answer. First off, I did replace the entire solenoid block- the big box that plugs into the tranny and runs about $100- and removed the battery for easier access, that code came up too. Regarding a clean slate, I'm not sure. The solenoid was not the last thing I replaced. I dropped the car off to a mechanic who drove and drove and drove the stupid thing til it finally acted up on him (Murpheys Law, right?) After that, he brought it into a shop and had the codes pulled. I was going to get the LeBaron back on Monday, after which I can disconnect the battery myself and drive it to another shop to re-read the codes. After this, I'll get back to you and go from there. Since there won't be a middle man to go through, I can ask this shop to use an ohmmeter and check the plug ins while I'm there too. Thank you for the advice! Ill keep in touch :)
ANSWER: I await your report. Please do a rate/nominate of my answers. Thanks,
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hello again!
After disconnecting the battery, I got my codes re-read: 41, 51, and 58
I was advised to replace the transmission control solenoid again, since I purchased it through RockAuto and installed it myself back in May. I was told that the shop could install the solenoid for me as well as program it right then and there rather than let the thing self-learn possibly incorrectly. I might be within the manufacturers warranty for the solenoid, but would I really need to get a new pack? :/
Anyways, I don't have access to a multimeter yet, but can check those ohms soon before I go back. Hopefully, this may just be the solenoid?! Thanks Roland!
AnswerHi Megan,
I am glad that the 51 code appeared as that has the possibility of simply being a wiring issue, not like the code 52 which pretty much says there is a serious internal issue.
I looked a little further in my '92 manual and found that there are specific measurements to do for each of the three codes. These are covered on about a dozen pages in the manual (not so many tests as that implies, however) and so once you have the multi-meter you would be able to do these tests yourself and likely figure out what is wrong. Don't buy another solenoid pack until you do the testing as it will tell you for sure if that is needed or not.
I can copy those pages and postal mail them to you if you would like them. Just tell me your postal mailing address. If you would send me back four postage stamps after you get the pages that would cover my costs.
Thanks so much for the rating and nomination. Should you care to give me another nomination for 'volunteer of the month' for this answer I would be most appreciative!