QuestionQUESTION: i have just fitted a new radio to my 1997 voyager 2l se only to find fob does not work,key(flat black) only unlocks drivers door, engine wont start and red immobiliser light not on. also warning ping on all of the time.
ANSWER: Hi John,
I assume that the engine cranks over but won't start. If the theft system light is not 'on' I wonder whether that system is what is preventing the engine from starting. Usually if that is the cause, it will start but then die after 1-2 seconds. So tell me which it is doing when you try the starter motor.
Might the battery be dead in the fob?
What is remarkable about the key only unlocks the door? You mean that the Fob doesn't any more?
What is it that you associate with the 'warning ping'?
Did you change the wiring in order to install the new radio, and if so, how?
Also, what is the letter in the 10th position of the vehicle identification number?
I'll look into the manual and get back, but in the meantime let me know the answers to the above questions.
Please read the PS below.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: thanks roland for your reply
nothing happens when i turn the key. i charged the battery just in case
fob does nothing but worked fine before
the warning ping i have no idea, starts as soon as the key is turned in the ignition
as far as i know i wired the new radio in correctly as it worked fine . i have taken it out and put the old one back in
the tenth letter of the vin is v
hope this helps thanks john
AnswerHi John,
The power for the key fob module comes from a fuse that maintains the memories of the radio and other devices that need to function when the ignition is off. That power source is fuse 10 in the box in the engine compartment (10 amp) so see if that fuse might be blown.
If the starter motor won't turn over then check the fuse-like device in the fuse box under the dash which has 10 different positions and this one is in the 10th position. The PTC's are the ones just below the 4 multipin plugs. If that isn't blown then check fuse 5 in the engine compartment. If those two are o.k. than have a helper try the starter while you listen for/feel the starter motor relay (5th from the front of the box) in the fuse box in the engine compartment which should click, and if that clicks then the starter motor solenoid switch should click loudly as the result. Let me know what you learn from doing these checks.
I don't believe the anti-theft system has anything to do with you no starter condition.
Thanks for the rating and nomination, which you can do again if you would be so kind.