Chrysler Repair: setting the timing on my wives 94 3.5 l new yorker, crankshaft pulley, sprocket teeth

QUESTION: I had to replace the water pump, timing belt and tentioner pulley on my wifes 94 new yorker. so what is the proper way to set the cam shaft pullies. The crank shaft is easy.

ANSWER: Hi Warren,
The camshaft sprocket positions are 'set' in the same procedure along with the crankshaft pulley when you are installing the timing belt and its tensioner. Do you have copy of that procedure? If not I can send you a copy as an attachment to an email. I need to know your email address so when you tell me that don't use the @ symbol, instead us 'at' so that the address won't be erased.
If you have a different question about the cam shaft sprockets let me know.
Please read the PS below.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: my follow up question is: does the dot on the camshaft pulley have to be dead center between thetwo dotson the case.

Hi Warren,
As I read the manual: as long as each dot is between the two marks that is acceptable. Given the size of the sprocket teeth I believe that if it were wrong then the dot would fall outside the space between the two marks. In the future, should you need to remove the belt the manual suggests that before doing so that you put a mark on the cover to show where exactly the mark is and use that to reposition the sprocket when installing the belt for best likelihood of ending up with the dot between the marks.
Thanks for the rating and nomination.