QuestionQUESTION: Hello there, I recently bought a Chrysler Concorde Limited Edition 2002 with the 3.5 liter HO engine, when the transmission downshifts to second is a little rough and gets stuck in second and depending on the cars speed the rpm get very high, when I turn on the car the check engine light turns on and also an acoustic alarm sounds, I took the vehicle to a mechanic and the p1676 code came up, the mechanic said the problem comes from the solenoid pack ($380 including labor and transmission tuneup) but Im affraid the problem might persist after this repair, the mechanic says it cannot be a relay because I could not drive the car, but he has not made an electric revision of the car. sorry about the length appreciate your help.
ANSWER: Hi Lewis,
Let me check the manual and get right back.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Roland, the right code is p1776 sorry about my mistake,
I also forget to mention that when I turn off the engine and then back on the transmission works ok for a while until it downshifts to second. Thanks again
AnswerHi Lewis,
Thanks for the rating on my first answer. If you would be kind as to also rate this answer, but also say "yes" to a nomination of me for 'volunteer of the month' I would be most appreciative.
Right, and that is typical. The controller will not put it in limp mode immediately after the shut down/restart. Rather, it tests the function of many parts and when it detects the problem it will turn off the relay, and then you go back into limp mode.