QuestionQUESTION: Hello Roland
I own a 2005 Chrysler Grand Voyager with a 3 year old battery
Now it is not enough power to start the car from one evening till the next morning
I have checked the battery. It seems to be ok but there is a power consumption when everything is shut down (1 amp)measuring between one pole of the battery and the battery cable
When I pull out fuse 10d it drops to about 0,2 amps
Do you have any idea how I could locate what is wrong?
ANSWER: Hi Eivind,
I see a fuse #10, but not 10d. If you mean fuse 10 then that 40 amp fuse is in the circuit that provides power to the front HVAC blower motor via the resistor block/power module (depending upon whether you have the 4 speed or 14 speed blower). It is provided current when the front blower motor relay is actuated, that is located next to fuse 10. The only issue I wonder about is why that relay would be activated when the ignition is off. Perhaps the relay is stuck in the closed position. So try borrowing another relay from the box to see if that causes the current to also drop down the way removing the fuse did. If so, then replace the relay. Otherwise there is an issue with a false activation of the front blower motor relay which is done by the front control module of the box but which should not allow the blower to be activated when the ignition is 'off', I would believe..
Do let me know if I am not describing the specific fuse that you have described as 10d.
Please read the PS below as it is the last day of the month of July and there is a 'tight' race to be 'volunteer of the month'.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hello Roland and thank you for a very quick answer
The fuse is 10d or it might be IOD
I found some information on the net that I tried and it actually seems to work (but I have to see for sure tomorrow)
It was on this link:
Posted Sat 11 May 2013 16:39 (nearly at the bottom of the page)
I have had my car checked many times for another problem: The ABS lamp was lit all the time. After I tried the possible solution described above the ABS error lamp was no longer lit when i was driving
BUT: Another problem accured: After i switch off the ignition, the motor was still running for a minute or so
Is there any Connection here?
AnswerHi Eivind,
OK, that is the Ignition Off Draw fuse, which now makes sense. It is fuse #14 and is 20 amp in size, located next to a 'spare' relay socket in the front corner of the box, correct?
The problem is that there are many items that can be powered even with the ignition switch 'off' because it provides power to the body control module which then powers many lights/functions related to the body wiring. So I would look around for a light bulb that may be 'on' which it shouldn't be (under hood, glove box, trunk, and the audio system's various parts. Let me know if you don't find something quickly.
Please 'rate/nominate' me on this answer as well as my earlier answer, if you would be so kind.