Chrysler Repair: disarming power seat: PT Cruiser, reverse polarity, long legs
Questionthe power seat on my 2010 PT Cruiser goes up at will, I have very long legs and need the seat to be in its lowest position; when I attempt to lower the seat, nothing happens - my question is this, if I manage to get the seat into its lowest position again, is there a way to permanently disarm the seat so it won't adjust again at all?
AnswerHi Mark,
Using the '06 manual as my reference, if you pulled out fuse 9 (40 amp) that would stop all three motion motors in the seat by disconnected from any power to change their position.
The motors each have a 5 pin plug and applying 12v between pins 1 and 5 of the plug socket will cause the motor to move in one direction or the other (reverse polarity of the jump to reverse direction). So you could move the seat to the lowest position that way, and then remove the fuse #9.
Please read the PS below and consider the 'nomination'.