Chrysler Repair: 00 Sebring JXi Convertable: AC low pressure (suction) port location, pressure suction, port location
QuestionI am trying to find the Low Pressure AC Port
Answerhi Elizabeth,
At the right front corner of the engine compartment look for the heavy duty rubber hose that rises up from AC compressor hidden below alternator and note that the hose then curves rearward and runs toward the firewall. After that curve the hose connects to a smaller diameter metal tube. About where that metal tubing going toward the firweall crosses the mid-line of the engine (where you see the words "multi-point injection") you will see mounted in that metal line the suction port, facing toward the engine. So it is in "plain view", as they say, and easy to connect with.
That is where to connect the R-134 filler hose to fill the system following the instructions.
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