Chrysler Repair: 05 town and country: Steering groan, power steering hose, bass speaker

i have a 2005 town and country that groans and vibrates at low speeds during tight turns to the left. it seems to be a common problem among all vehicles with rack and pinion. logic and reason would dictate that since it only happens to the left in most situations that ive read about there must be some line or valve of the rack and pinion that is only filled or used when turning left that is blocked or not fully opening or that a dual directional line or valve is obstructing fluid in one direction only. it is a very common problem on the internet where apparently changing the steering pump and the rack and pinion does not work, other suggestions have been to overfill the fluid, add a cooler, and/or lengthen the power steering hose but know firm explanations of exactly what is causing this problem in thousands of cars. last night i was able to make the van vibrate like bass speaker while groaning over the sound of the average conversation all the way from far right to far left about 20 times in a row as long as i turned the wheel slow, when i turned quickly the sound and vibration vanished. at high speeds no sound or vibration, only at idle and tight turns, but it doesn't always do it either and it is not in any way consistent in it's intensity. i have to believe that if we could walk on the moon, then someone somewhere has figured this problem out.

Hi Shawn,
I just found your question in the 'pool', sorry for the delay.
The '06 manual has two sorts of actions to try. One is to buy a group of pressure testing tool kits and go through an analysis of the situation. This would be no doubt fairly expensive to buy.
The second type of info suggests these as possible causes of groaning:
1. low level of fluid
2. one of the pressure hoses touching the chassis or body, so readjust fittings to move it away therefrom
3. extremely low ambient temperature, which should subside as temp rises. Otherwise replace pump.
4 significantly worn internal pump parts; replace pump.
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