Chrysler Repair: 99 2.7L LH car: oil light flicker/fuel gauge flakey, fuel level sensor, oil filter housing
QuestionHello I am having a problem with my gas gauge it flickers up down up down saying I have gas, then I dont have gas....and when I stop at a light the oil icon comes on and it flickers..
AnswerHi Chieaka,
About the flickering of the fuel gauge it could either be a loose electrical connection between the fuel level sensor at the tank and the body computer under dash OR it could be wear/tear/corrosion on the surface of the variable resistor attached to the float' that is the part of the fuel sensor that determines what the fuel level actually is. If the higher readings when it flickers are changing downward as you use up the gas, then just observe those and forget the 'don't have gas' readings. If that doesn't seem to track the real situation, then you will either have to check the wire out and if that is OK then you will have to remove the fuel tank to get at the level sender for replacement.
On the oil light flickering it could be either that the oil pressure sensor is flakey or the actual oil pressure at idle is a bit below what is needed to keep the warning light off. Take a look at the oil pressure sensor which is near the oil filter housing and has a light green wire to see if it shows signs of leaking oil. If so, then replace it. Otherwise I would suggest that when you change the oil next time that you put in one step higher oil viscosity which will raise the idle oil pressure and eliminate the flickering.
I as sorry for the delay in answering you but I just found your question in "pool" to which the other 'expert', Kevin, had sent it.
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