QuestionI have a 2004 chrysler concorde that the engine light came on. The car drives fine for a while and then it will shift into 2nd gear and stays there until I pull over and put car in park, shut car off and re start. Then car drives fine. Could it be sensors...Went to auto zone These are the codes: p1790 , p0731, p1776, p0846, p0700. What do codes mean? Help...
AnswerHi James,
I wonder how many miles you have on the transmission and what is the condition of the fluid (does it smell burnt, what color is it?).
The 0846 says that the 2-4 pressure switch circuit (located in the solenoid pack) has a problem, the 1776 says the solenoid switch valve (in the valve body) is stuck in L-R, the 0731 says there is a speed ratio error which could be due to one or the other speed sensors or the solenoid pack or to many problems which could arise in the rest of the transmission and result in slippage (and thus a rebuild). The 1790 says the speed ratio error is detected immediately after a shift which points to the all the possible causes listed in the 0731 code.
Unfortunately, in the '04 era trans, the solenoid pack along with the valve body require dropping the pan and inspecting both for possible repair. I am thinking that the only inexpensive thing to try is to replace the speed sensors which simply screw into the side of the trans. If that doesn't solve the problem, then a shop would need to drop the pan and try to correct the valve body and replace the solenoid pack OR if that is probably not going to correct an internal problem (that is the unknown issue) then the rebuild may be the only sure fix. I don't know the cost difference between those two approaches, but start with the sensors yourself, then go to an independent shop and see what they can tell you about trying the pan drop/replacement vs. the rebuild approach.
Please let me know how this works out for you.