Chrysler Repair: head removal and repair, intake manifold gasket, broken bolt


Thanks for your advice and assistance in advance. I have a 94 LHS 3.5  I was attempting to replace the intake manifold gasket and of course one of the bolts broke off flush with the head on the passenger side at the back of the motor. Attempted an easy out broke it too.  I have been told a machine shop can remove and repair the head. My question is the repair going to last or would it be better to replace the head with a new one.  Also I read in one of your older posts that you could supply the manual for the head removal and re install. Basically I am wondering if its even worth taking the time and money to repair.   Thanks again for any input you may have.

Hi Tony,
If a bolt broke off in the head I would believe that a machine shop will be able to remove that broken bolt without damaging the head. So there may be no "repair" needed and the head will be in the same condition that it was before the bolt broke. You might want them to make sure the head is flat since you have it off or do any other sort of verification of its readiness for continued service. So I don't believe there is any reason for a new one unless the machine shop finds something that would cause that to be needed.
I can copy the pages from the '04 manual I have on a CD that show the steps for head removal and replacement and attach those to an email I would send to you directly. Let me know your email address in a follow-up question but don't use the @ symbol instead us 'at', otherwise the address is automatically erased. Then let me know what other pages you need and I can send along those as well.
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