Chrysler Repair: 2005 Town and Country Battery Drain, fuse box, milliamps

Our '05 Town And County appears to have a drain on the battery. We have had the battery, charging system, and starting system check, all passed. If we do not start the vehicle for a full day, there is just enough of a drain to cause it to not start. Battery will still ready ~11.90 volts. Testing across the leads in the fuse box, it appears the power seats are drawing ~26mA while the vehicle is off, and the seat switch is not activated. Is this normal, or could this be my culprit? Thanks for any help.

Hi Jason,
35 milliamps is within the high side 'typical' or normal ignition off draw. I doubt that 26mA  power seat alone is what is running down your battery. What is the total off-draw as measured by putting the ammeter between the - post and the - post clamp of the battery?
Please 'rate' my answer (see PS below).