QuestionQUESTION: The drivers window goes down but doesn't go up. then sometimes after a while it will then go up. when it did it about six months ago my uncle put it up using a battery and some leads but alas he is not around so I need to figure out which wires run the motor I see blue and white attached to the motor but don't want to short anything out. is there a constant wire and the blue or white determine up or down?
ANSWER: Hi Jason,
Because you didn't say whether this is a Sebring sedan, convertible, or 2-door coupe, I can't tell you the details for certain. But the motor wires are correctly light blue and white.
The master window switch is a double throw/double pole type.
Basically, when the master is in neutral position both the wires are supposed to be grounded (connected to the - post of the battery or any chassis metal object, ulitimately). Then when you request down the white wire is connected to 12v, while the light blue wire remains grounded. And when you request up the situation is reversed and the light blue wire is connected to 12v and the white wire is supposed to be grounded. The reversal of the current flow thus reveses the motor direction.
My belief is that the white wire pole inside the switch is not cleanly grounded so that is why it won't go up OR the blue wire pole inside the switch is not cleanly connected to 12v when you ask for up. You could verify which is the problem by measure for voltage/continuity to ground (resistance reading) but the bottom line would be to spray some electrical contact cleaner inside the switch for the driver window actuation via a seam or crack in the switch body. Then see if that has improved the electrical contact of those two poles inside the master switch.
If that doesn't work, tell me which body style you have of Sebring and I wlll see if some other part of the circuit would be where the problem exists. But the motor is working, it just doesn't have current from the master switch in the 'up' request position.
Please 'rate' my answer (see PS below).
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: It is a 4 door sedan.
AnswerThen the issue is likely as I described it to be: a poor contact inside the switch for the driver window actuation. So try the contact cleaner in-spray and if that doesn't improve things then I would believe a new switch would be needed.
Please 'rate' my answer.