Chrysler Repair: possible blown fuse: 06 Sebring convert interior lights.door locks/radio, power door locks, chryler sebring

QUESTION: Radio, mirror lights, dome light on console, trunk light, power door locks and electric mirror switches don't seem to work. I tried to change the lightbulb in the dome light.  That is when I think it shorted out.  After that none of these things works.  Do I need to change a fuse and which one or is it a bad relay

ANSWER: What is the year/model/body style of the vehicle, Cathy?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It is a 2006 Chryler Sebring Convertible

ANSWER: Hi Cathy,
All of the non-working items that you listed are powered by fuse #5 (10 amp) located in the power box in the engine compartment. So check to see whether that one is blowm.  It is located in the front row of fuses, the fifth starting from the outside edge of the box and moving inboard.  If so, change the bulb if still needed, then insert a new fuse in the fuse socket.
Please 'rate' my answer (see PS below).

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It is not fuse #5.  I replaced that with the 10amp.  What else can it be?

Hi Cathy,
My apology to you.
I erred by saying the #5 fuse that powers all those devices was in the Engine Compartment box. I should have said it was #5 (10 amp) in the fuse box in the Cabin behind the Left End-cap of the Dash.
So take a look at that one which indeed powers everything that is not working. It sits in the middle of the top row of fuses and is number 5 counting from the front of the box. If it is blown then replacing it should solve all those problems. If not, and the new fuse blows immediately, then I would go back to the dome light and replace the bulb that you were dealing with when the problem began.
If that doesn't fix things, then tell me any other history of the problem. If there is no other history and fuse #5 in the cabin still blows out then you will need an ohmmeter to try and locate where among all those items that it powers there is one shorted out object that blows the fuse, which is not a quick job. So I hope replacing #5 in the cabin box will solve your problem.
Please 'rate/nominate' my answer/me as you did before in late February (see the PS below).