Chrysler Repair: 1996 Intrepid cooling fan operation, interference reduction, fan operation
QuestionHi Roland:
Not sure I see where you amended your previous response. Could you please be more specific?
Also, please advise what the box is that is mounted between the fans & if I can test in any way.
AnswerHi John,
Apparently the revision didn't process. Basically the circuit you have in the '96 is identical to that of the '94 as shown in that year's manual. The box mounted on the fan unit is for
rfi interference reduction (noise from the fans intruding on the radio audio system). There is nothing in the manual wiring diagrams that show its internal wirings. My inclination would be to find an rfi box like that at a wrecking yard if possible or see what a replacement would cost. It is not clear to me exactly how the circuit works but it is implied that both fans operate simultaneously at all times and that when in low speed the fans are running in series (sharing the 12v so each sees 6v) and in parallel when at high speed. I can't be certain about that. But if you determine that at temps that first call the fans into action that there is 12v on the tan input wire to the rfi box, and similarly as the temp increases that 12v shows instead on the yellow wire then it would seem the supply circuit to the rfi is working. As you have proven both fans to work then it is either the rfi box or the wires from the rfi box to the fan on the left side or the ground for that fan which is faulty.
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