Chrysler Repair: 01 pt cruiser: windows/air bag/HVAC all stopped, volt ohm meter, fuse box
QuestionMy air bag light came on at same time windows and heater stopped working any ideas what could cause this
AnswerHi Robert,
Fuse #3 (40 amp) in the rear of the power distribution box in the engine compartment is likely blown. It may have a subtle crack in its internal wire is another possibility. So check that out. If the fuse is not at fault, then the issue is likely inside the ignition switch. If the fuse is blown, then try a new fuse and if it blown then you will need to use a volt-ohm meter to find out which of the circuits that you mentioned has a short in it which is causing that fuse to blow.
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PS: If you find that fuse to be blown, then check fuses 5,6,7 and circuit breake #2 in the fuse box under the dash as if one of those were also blown/open that would give you a clue as to which of the several circuits is the problem. Let me know.