Chrysler Repair: 98 Chrysler concord lxi 3.2 l problems, chrysler concord, rear brake caliper
QuestionI've currently purchase a 98 concord I've have similar electrical problems. Such as abs break light showing up. My a/c display doesn't show. After a day or so my car needs a jump start to start up. I haven't done any work on it yet my farther Saids I need a battery and ignition switch. Should I swap out my fuses as well. Could you reply back to me as soon as possible it would help me out not trying to spend hundreds of dollars at a mechanic. Also is there anything else I would need to fix these problems. I haven't heard any clicking noises yet .
AnswerHi Michael,
I wouldn't buy anything yet until you check each problem out, one at a time. The abs brake light means there is a fault of some sort in that system which is best addressed by getting a fault code readout, for free at an Autozone or similar nationwide parts store, or for $40 at an independent garage. The reader has to be able to seek out the memory of the abs controller to get that code. A common cause is that one of the four wheel rotation sensors or the tone ring on the inner surface of one of the four wheels has gotten too dirty so that would be a good place to start if you need/want to take off the tire/wheels for any reason. The front ring is part of the outbouar CV joint and the sensor is on boss of the steering knuckle, while at the rear the ring is part of the rear wheel hub/bearing assembly and the sensor is mounted on the rear brake caliper adapter. These are very close to oneanother so don't bend anything when you do the cleaning.
The jump start issue could be the battery, or it could be you have some hidden light 'on' like in the glove box, under hood, or trunk but don't know it, or there could be another component 'on' when it shouldn't be. You start with a measurement of the current being drawn through the - wire at the battery. Remove the - post clamp and insert a millamp meter between the clamp and the post and see what it reads. It should be less than 50 milliamps with everything shut down. Of course if the battery is nearing the end of its warranty I would agree that you start with a new battery. Look at the sticker on the battery to see when it was purchased.
The a/c display I would check the voltage on pin 4 of the plug on the back of the unit to see if it shows a variable voltage as you use panel dimmer on the headlamp switch with the lights on. Do you have access to a volt-ohm-millamp meter?
PS: Please 'rate' my answer. Thank you