Chrysler Repair: wind screen wipers on pt cruiser: wont stop, continuity tester, inner fender
Questionwhen ignition is on wipers will start working without wiper switch being turned on
AnswerHi Robert,
What is the year model of your PT? For the '02 model the first thing to check would be that the ground wire for the motor is well connected. It is found under the hood at the area between the left side strut tower and the left inner fender, just below the hood 'sill'. There are two ground bolts holding ground (black) wires so make sure both of those groups of wires are shiny on their tips, and firmly bolted onto the metal surface.
Other than a poor ground it is necessary to check the control switch and I will need to copy the pages from the '04-'06 manual and attach them to an email. To give me you email address you need to ask a NEW question (not a follow-up) and check the box to make it PRIVATE. Then give the email address in the text area of the question. This is the only way I will see your address.
Do you have volt-ohm meter or continuity tester?