QuestionQUESTION: 99 Sebring Convertible heater hoses at motor have a quick release and I am trying to disconnect the hoses to flush the heater core. I don't know how to do this type of disconnect and I do not want to break the connectors so I can't reuse them. Can you help?
ANSWER: Hi Mike,
The manual speaks using a thin slide-jaw plier to "pinch the quick connect fitting in". It shows the connection but it doesn't show where to pinch!. I haven't done this myself so I can't give you any personal experience. The other approach would be to remove the intake manifold plenum to get at the hose ends that connect to the heater core nipples, but there too you to be careful after you back off the spring tension clip to very gently rotate the hose back and forth to loosen the grip of the hose to the nipple withut damaging the nipple and thus set up a cabin leak situation. So I would the slip jaw plier on the shell of the quick disconnet and test to see where exactly aroung the shell to do the 'pinch' that will release it.
Please let me know how this works out.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: What about just cutting the return hose, (which one), and using a prestone back flush kit? I know it should be the cooler one just want to double check.
AnswerSure, if you can get the kit size for the hose diameter you have and you think is will hold up over time. The risk of doing the quick disconnect wrong is that you then would have to go to Chrysler of a new one(s). If you look carefully at the disconnect you might be able to guess where to squeeze and thus get it open. Of try a light squeeze and see what changes.
PS I notice that there are cut-out opening on the outer collar, at 0 and 180 degrees. It seems to me that if you were to squeeze at 90 and 270 that the shape woud change and that might release the connection. Thanks for the rating and nomination. Very nice of you.