Chrysler Repair: 99 Chrysler sebring convertible 2.5, chrysler sebring convertible, chrysler sebring
Questionover the past few weeks my car started running rough and the check engine light came on and finally one morning it wouldn't start it cranks and sounds like it wants to start but doesn't I had someone try to read the codes but the only code they were getting was misfire on #2 cylinder would that be enough to keep it from starting or would it possibly be the cranksensor or distributor
AnswerHi Brian,
Yes, a single cylinder misfiring can make it difficult to impossible to start the engine depending upon the overall condition of the engine (compression, fuel delivery, spark intensity).
I would certainly inspect the #2 cylinder wire to look for degradation/damage/evidence of short circuit to the cylinder head or other nearby metal engine part. How many miles are on the spark plugs? Any sign of damage to the #2 spark plug's cap? Have you assessed for spark being present at the #2 plug cap? Any signs of engine mechanical malfunction? Any observed cracks in the distributor cap in the vicinty of the #2 wire connection point. Condition of the rotor? Condition of the distributur cap internal contacts points?
Those are the sorts of things to assess.
I would not focus on the crank sensor or the cam sensor(which is inside the distributor and not sold as a separate part typically, thus a cost of several hundred dollars). Those have their own codes, 0320 and 0340.