QuestionQUESTION: Ok Mr. Roland, my favorite expert! My boyfriend has the starter off but can not get to the bolt holding the power wire. Can you tell me how to get to it and remove quickly. Thanks!!
ANSWER: That may be a posi-lock connector which if he looks carefully may have a release tab to lift or push in. If it simply a bolt and it is resisting removal then I would put some penetrating oil, WD-40 spray, or similar thin fluid on the threads. The wait for a few minutes, then rock the bolt/nut back and forth gently so as not to break anything, until it begins to release from its locked up condition. Rocking can be counter-intuitive but actually tightening/loosening helps to break the rust.
I am not able to picture the location but it it is a matter of access then you he may have to get a socket that will reach in.
Thanks for the kind remark!
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: He says it's a bolt but cant reach it to put anything securely on it. any other suggestions? He's thinking there must be something that can be removed to get at it. Also, he is testing the alternater because it wont start after a fuel line was put in and the fuel pumps sounds like it is working and the shut relay too is not open. (it stalled and will not restart and battery drained in the process) Any suggestions?
ANSWER: Unforunately I don't have a good picture of the starter motor that you are dealing with. On the fuel line/won't start situation you remove a spark plug and see if it is wet with fuel after trying to start it to prove that fuel is getting to the injectors. If not, then you might want to check for fuel pressure which should be around 49 psi. Could dirt have plugged the supply line?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: ok, will ck that you cant picture the engine to help with removing the starter on the 3.5 engine? the power wire is in an awkward he over thinking it?.
AnswerOK, I may have misunderstood. It may be the wire is preventing the starter from coming off?
Here is the procedure:
Disconnect the battery
Raise the vehicle
Remove one nut from the catalytic converter support bracket
Remove two nuts from catalytic support bracket mounting
Remove bolts and nut holding starter to engine
The battery wire should be able to come off at this point
Remove stater solenoid assembly from transmission housing. Position starter to get access to the posi-lock connection
Use a jack to slightly lift engine so as to remove pressure on the left engine mount
Remove three left engine mounting bolts from engine block
Jack engine up a bit more to give more room to remove starter
Slide the starter motor out between the catalytic converter and the engine mount
Disconnect the posi-lock connector.
That unfortunately is it! Install is the reverse.
Does he have a floor jack to gently lift up the engine as described?
PS If you would be so kind as to 'rate' my answer I would be most appreciative.