Chrysler Repair: starter wont disengage, engine crankshaft, flex plate

i have no clue at what's wrong with my starter it starts the engine i replaced the starter, starter relay, ignition switch, and checked behind all my work. please help me

Hi Corey,
That might happen if the starter axis wasn't parallel to the axis of the engine crankshaft because the gear of the starter has to be the correct distance from the teeth and not tilted.
Possibly there is a spacer that is needed to postion unit with regard to the 'depth' location of the bendix driven starter gear with respenct to the teeth on the flex plate of the engine, e.g. is it short of teeth or too far behond them. What is the year, size (L) of the engine, and what vehicele model is involved.  I can then see what is shown in the manual about the spacer possibility.
PS Sorry for the delay in responding but I just found your question in the "pool" to which it had been referred by Kevin.