Chrysler Repair: Back Flush Heater core, chrysler sebring, auto parts store
Questionya how are you? just how would a pearson go about back flushing a heater core on a chrysler sebring ?
AnswerHi Mark,
Run the engine and feel which heater hose is 'cold' compared to the other. That is the one you would want to put the water into from a hose. So disconnect it at the engine or the nipple at the firewall where it enters the cabin, and then attach a garden hose. The auto parts store will likely have flush kit/adapter that will have a garden hose fitting and a 3/8" or 1/2" auto hose fitting so you can mate the garden hose to the nipple or the detached end of the cold heater hose. Then disconnect the hot hose to allow the back flush water to be released. Turn on the garden hose and that will do the flush. You might want to drain off and collect some coolant from the radiator to start with, so as to save flushing away some antifreeze that could be reused depending upon it condition. Then put the hoses back on and refill the system. I'm fine, thank you.
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