Chrysler Repair: 02 neon reverse slippage, code1736, clutch pack, forward gears

my daughter has an 02 neon trans slip in reverse goes well in 1rst. throws code p0736 in reverse putting in in limp mode.If she doesnt use reverse she can drive all day with no issues. I understand reverse and 1rst are same clutch pack but first is fine till reverse throws p0736 code. am i looking for an electrical issue or a trans mechanical issue?

Hi Don,
This is a 'speed sensor error' in reverse code, but it doesn't mean a sensor is necessarily bad.
It might be an issue with one of the two speed sensors or its wiring (but most likely if it were it would be the output sensor) but one would believe that other 'speed ratio' codes for forward gears would also be set were that the case. However given the cost of r/r'ing the trans it might be worth a try just in case to replace the output speed sensor if by chance it doestn't work properly when going backwards.
There is a long list of possible causes that involve rebuilding the mechanicals, except for the possibility that the malfunction involves the valve body which can be removed and serviced by dropping one of the pans underneath the gear shift vertical rod. There are 14 pages in the '02 manual which details the removal, disassembly, assembly, and intall of the valve body. I can xerox and postal mail you those if you would send me back four 44-cent stamps to cover my costs. Both might be worth a try before going for a rebuild. Try the output sensor, then the valve body, then the r/r.