QuestionYou helped me fix the overhead OAT no workee a couple months ago, so I knew
where to come for the new issue.
Auto trans has started bucking/hard shift, when car is cold, followed by no shift from 2nd. Codes 700, 715, 731.
TUrn car off, restart, all same until it reaaches operating temp OR I clear codes, then OK for some inconsistent period, then it happens again. (limp mode??).
Sometimes,foot off gas, coast for 10-15 seconds and it will go ahead and shift half the time. Verified same codes, 700, 715, 731.
From what I read seems I need to start with replacing the input speed sensor, as
the speedo is fine. You agree?
I think I see two sensors screwed into the FWD side of the tranny
1. Is the input the one closer to the engine?
2. Can I change the sensor without losing fluid?
3. Any other traps I should watch out for?
4. Should we drive the car?
What size socket/wrench?
AnswerHi Lee,
The input is the one closer to the engine and the 715 point to it, along with the 731. No fluid loss should occur. Lift the tab to release the plug, be sure that the weather seal isn't lost or retained with the old unit. You are in 'limp-in mode' when it won't shift out of second and that is designed to avoid damage due to the failed part. You will not want to drive it unnecessarily if for no other reason than fuel economy. I don't know the size of the socket. The torque spec is 20 foot-pounds, similar to a spark plug.