Chrysler Repair: Crankshaft sensor: spacer needed?, 1994 chrysler concorde, crankshaft sensor
Question1994 Chrysler Concorde, 3.3L V6: we diagnosed my engine problems to be a failed crankshaft sensor so I bought a new sensor to make the repair. I read online that the part should be supplied with a paper spacer for the working end but the spacer was not included - is this spacer critical and if so, how should we proceed with the repair? Very grateful for your response, James
AnswerHi James,
I don't see a specific reference to the need for the paper spacer in my '94 service manual but if you would like to avoid possible damage to the new sensor I would simply attach a thin piece of paper to it with a tiny amount of rubber cement. Basically that is the purpose of such a spacer, to get the surface as close a possible without actually rubbing on the metal of the flex plate. The paper when worn away leaves the surface close to but not in contact.