Chrysler Repair: door panel removal, chyrsler sebring, postal mail

how do i remove the passenger side door panel on a 2 door, 2001, chyrsler sebring

I assume this is a 2-door coupe model, correct?
The '00 manual I have shows:
the window regulator handle: There is a clip hidden behind the handle axis which you remove by taking a shop towel, put it around the axis (like around your neck would be) then move the towel back and forth to 'catch' the clip which then releases the handle and the escutcheon when the clip comes off via the towel's action.
The you remove the pull handle box (screw in the pocket, screw on the underside forward edge. Slide the box forward to release rear clamp.
Remove screw holding holding release lever cover
The trim panel is held on the door by clips and screws, it looks like 5 clips on the lower edge, one on the front edge, 4 on the top edge at the weatherstrip (which appear to release at the next step) and a couple of screws on both the rear edge and a couple on the front edge.
Then when all those are released push up on the panel to release it from the clips along the top edge.
Then remove the pull handle bracket
Then remove the door inside handle
Then remove the door speaker assembly
Then remove the door speaker cover
Then remove the waterproof film
There are 2 pages with some drawings that show these details which I can xerox and postal mail to you, but I would need you postal mailing address.