Chrysler Repair: vacuum line diagram, dodge neon rt, glacier ridge
Questioni have a 98 dodge neon rt 2.0 dohc 5 speed manual i have been looking for a diagram for vacuum line because i changed the clutch and in the prossess i took off some and now that i have it back together i cant seem to find where this one goes i read a question about this that ronald anwsered and said he could Xerox the diagram and mail it would you be able to do this for me? my address is 1805 glacier ridge dr plainfeild Illinois 60586 thank you in advance
AnswerHi Clint,
Sorry for the delay, but Kevin just sent your question to the 'pool' where I found it. I will do that copy and mail it to you. I put it in the mail this afternoon.
PS Please 'rate' my answer and consider a 'yes' where you see the question about 'volunteer of the month'. Thank you