Chrysler Repair: HHO PT Cruiser, poor gas mileage, 35 more miles

QUESTION: Hi Roland.
I installed an HHO system on my 2001 PT Cruiser.
It only increased my mileage from 1 to 5 percent.
So I installed a second HHO system and still only received about 5% or less.

In my search as to why this is happening, I think it’s the cars computer reading a cold engine, if you will, because of the oxygen sensor. Your thoughts?

So in my search I’ve learned I needed an EIFE – electronic ignition fuel enhancer.

Then someone said this product is better

So, now I’m confused.

My neighbor gets 35% more miles with his car, but it is much older and doesn’t have a computer. So, I’m trying hard to make this work.

Your thoughts?
Thank you,

ANSWER: I am tied up for a while but will get back with an answer later today. By the way what is an HHO system and is it made by Chrysler. If not how about a website about it?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Oh sorry Roland,
An HHO system converts water (H2O) into two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Now that it's in a gas state, you plum it into the air intake. What happens is the engine burns the hydrogen and oxygen, also helps the gasoline to burn, and the exhaust becomes water again.
Therefore the engine is burning hydrogen instead of gasoline.
It's a very simple and old system, but today's cars with computer controlled engines, anything outside the computers parameters results in poor engine running or in my case poor gas mileage.

So, what I think is happening, either I’m sending too much or too little oxygen out the exhaust and the computer is compensating for it by changing the air/gasoline mixture.

I tried to find you a good example of a HHO system. And I think this should help.

Unfortunately, although this technology is old…it is new to computer controlled engines. In my searches I’m finding just as much bad information as I am finding good information. It’s hard to tell the difference, so one has to go out and try it themselves. Unfortunately, buying items for testing can get expensive.

So in my search I’ve learned I needed an EFIE – electronic ignition fuel enhancer.

Then someone said this product is better

So, now I’m confused.
I need a car technician to help me through this problem.

Thank you Roland.

Hi Randy,
Given the exhaust sensors which assess the oxygen content of the 'burn', I would not be surprised that the computer is trying to make adjustments to the fuel/air mixture, but it is programmed under certain assumptions about the nature of the fuel and air. Because of the add on system which modifies the hydrogen content of the input air and thus the ratio hydrogen/oxygen, the computer may be making inappropriate adjustment to the fuel/air ratio. I have to say that I have no experience whatsoever with the HHO approach or the electronic ingnition fuel enhancer. I wish that I could be of help but there must be other resources that would give you some advice based on experience.
PS I will check the reference you sited and will send you a revised answer if I see something that may by useful to you.