Chrysler Repair: 95 lhs ac/heater climate control intermittent, automatic temperature control, climate control unit

I have a 1995 Chrysler and the AC heater climate control switch located in counsel doesn't stay on all the time, when it goes off the blower motor stays in what ever mode last pushed, defrost, AC or floor. I have replace the entire part with no luck, the new part is just as inconsistent as the old one, which ever one I use the climate control switch will work for a short time and then it will just go out (driving or parked# and the LED light display is dark. There appears to be a short somewhere so I have checked both units power wiring connecting clips #there are 2) to the back of the climate control unit and they appear to be getting a good connection. Question is there something else that controls/powers the AC heater climate control switch ?  if not it might be possible that both parts have an internal short inside them, has this been a previous problem ?

Hi Michael,
I assume this is an Automatic Temperature Control type of unit, correct?
If so, then about the only reason I can see for what you are experiencing is that tha fuse #6 in the fuse box behind the left end cap of the dash has a subtle crack in its internal wire that 'opens' the fuse when it is in use (heats up) and then spontaneously 'closes' when it cools down, and the cycle repeats itself. So try changing out that 10 amp fuse and see if that solves your problem. That fuse powers the control panel so that is the most likely reason for this.
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