Chrysler Repair: transmission: 0605 code, shifting gears, jeep liberty
Questionmy problem is that i did the oil change on my 2003 jeep liberty limited edition and after i did the oil change i took it to the store and for some reason it wasn't shifting gears than i went to autozone and they give me a code # P0605 Internal Control Module Read Only Memory (ROM) Error
and i really don't know what it is ! i was just wondering if you can give me an advise
AnswerHi Jenny,
That code is pointing to an issue with the computer that controls the transmission. The only possible easy fix is if the plug on the computer were jarred loose, or the plugs on the transmission itself were jarred loose. So take a look at those plugs and the wire harnesses connected to them to look for irregularities. If none, then the code points to a failed transmission computer. Because of the onset immediately after servicing it ia possible that there is something wrong with the plugs/wire harnesses so look carefully.