QuestionQUESTION: Roland;
Sorry to be such a pest,but here goes! The engine is still only running in 3 sec.session's,This is everything we done,
Changed the fuel relay the first time it acted like this as that is what coded and solved this same type of issue in the begining
Drove one week and shut car off to get gas,this is when it started to start and run for 3 sec's again-
Put on Snap-on reader states Security lock-out-No Fuel
The only other thing we did was fix a wire in the PASS. door to operate that door's power lock(It was broke)Car ran for 2 day's after that still.Is it Possable to Jump that lock-out with the coupe pins and wire,with-out the modules(original)?If I bought a part's car and used those mods.would that work?? Sorry I have asked so many thing's but this is so stumpung to us and we are at wit's end:( Angelina Once again THANX!!!
ANSWER: Hi Angelina,
Yes, I think we can defeat the alarm system. Let me look up the details.
I wonder however, are you sure there is not the vehicle theft security module still plugged-in at the area above the glove box? Do you have a 'free' 21-pin natural color plug, because if not then it is still up there and causing the shut down?* Repairing the door lock wire might have reinstalled the problem if so. By the way, look into that question, but don't unplug the 21-pin plug if so as I already told you about the 'hard' lockdown that will happen if you. Also, tell me is the cluster conventional or an electronic (digital readout) cluster.
I'll await your answers to the above and get the details about how to 'fake' a disarming.
* I believe you told me that you had pulled the plug out of the theft module while the engine was running. Correct? If so, had the engine been running successfully for more than 3 seconds when you pulled plug? If so, fine, if not then maybe you pulled the plug when the system was still in the armed which case we may have put it into the 'hard' lock down.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
The machanic has pulled and mis-placed the 21 pin mod.,as well the 8/8 pin mod.,and a look's to be a 4 pin mod. missing as well??
As well he has stated the car was running more than 3 sec's when it was pulled-(21 pin mod.)
The dash is electronic as well it has a over-head computer cluster that states distance to empty and so on...This is obviously elctronic-
Thanx again Angelina
AnswerHi Angelina,
I have to suspect that the mechanic pulled the plug on the theft module when it was still in the 'armed' condition, otherwise it shouldn't still be 'armed' and doing the 3 second shutdown number.
According to the manual it is permissible to pull the plug but only when the engine is running (and by implication the module is in the disarmed status). If instead he pulled the plug whenin the armed/alarmed state, then have a Chrysler dealer use a DRB II code reader box to communicate with the powertrain controller and clear the alarmed status. It might be the case that if he could find the module he could plug it back in, then do the work around with the jumper wire to simulate locking/unlocking a front door, but I am not certain that will work if indeed he did pull the plug when it was still armed or alarmed. So the car may have to go to a dealer or someone with a DRB II who can clear up the problem by communicating with the engine computer (powertrain controller).
I believe that the way the alarmed status is implemented is that it deactivates the autoshutdown relay (what the mechanic and his code reader calls the fuel pump relay) after 3 seconds. On a temporary basis I would believe that the mechanic can ground the autoshutdown relay's activation coil wire (which is what the powertrain controller does when it wants to let the car run). The only problem is that this would have to be a manually controlled grounding (a toggle switch for example) that you would have to turn on when you want to drive, and turn off when you leave the car. Otherwise you leave the fuel pump running all the time which would run down the battery/heat the oxygen sensors/powerup the spark coil pack, etc.
So it would not be a good long term solution but you could at least drive it to a dealer to get the alarmed status cleared. It also is not a good fix on a long term basis because the other purpose of the autoshutdown relay is to stop the fuel pump and the spark in the event of an accident where the engine is shutdown because of an accident which damages a fuel line and thus poses the risk of a fire. So you would be circumventing a safety feature to operate the vehicle that way routinely.
But all that being said, to activate the autoshutdown relay and drive the car the wire in question is dark blue/yellow and is found at either the outboard pin of the ASD relay socket(in the back-outside corner of the power box) or also at pin 51 of the pcm plug. The mechanic could attach a grounding wire to a toggle switch which would activate the relay at your command.
So run this by the mechanic and see. Worse comes to worse he can have the car towed to a Chrysler dealer to have the alarmed status cleared by them. Without the module in place that should end your problem with the theft security system.