Chrysler Repair: van wont start.., position sensors, hi aaron
QuestionHi I have a 95 Voyager. It won't start. From what I have been told fuel isn't getting to the fuel injectors. I have had the ECU replaced 3 times and put a new fuel pump in and a new fuel filter as well. Someone told me that the problem most likely is electrical can you offer some kind of insight into this?
AnswerHi Aaron,
If you hear the fuel pump (located inside the fuel tank at the rear) humm for about a second when you turn the key to the 'run' position, then I would believe that the pump is OK. It will humm again when you start cranking the starter motor but you may not hear it over the racket OR it may not humm because of a failure of one of the engine rotational position sensors which have to be putting out a 'go' for the pump signal to tell the pump to start again.
Try to take advantage of the on-board self-diagnostics: turn the ignition switch "on-off-on-off-on and leave on" doing that in 5 seconds or less elapsed time. Then watch the check engine light, which remains "on" to see it begin to flash, pause, flash, etc. Count the number of flashes before each pause. Then repeat the process to be sure of an accurate set of flash counts. Then write back and tell me the results of the counts and we'll go from there. Also tell me which engine you have in the van (L).
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