Chrysler Repair: speed sensors change out: LH body, 99 chrysler lhs, chrysler lhs
Questionwhat is the easyest way to change the speed sensors on a 99 Chrysler LHS
AnswerHi Robert,
The speed sensor are on the driver's side of the transmission, about midline and their wiring harnesses branch off of a common harness located in between the two. They look very similar to oneanother but are not interchangeable. The input is toward the front of the transmission just rearward of the half axle, the output sensor is toward the rear of the transmission. You lift the tab on the plug to release it. You should be careful to notice a weather seal on the sensors which you will want to reuse when you install the new ones. They unscrew similarly to a spark plug, and screw in the new ones with the weather seal in place and tighten to about the same as a spark plug (25 foot-pounds). Then reconnect the plug.
You will have to look at their accessiblity to see if you want to go for them from above or from underneath the car.
Are you certain that the sensors are needing of change? What fault code numbers have you observed via a fault code reader? Often parts stores will tell you when you have a 'limp in' situation where the vehicle will only run in reverse and 2nd gear that you should change the sensors, but that is not necessarily the case unless you have a fault code number which includes that as a remedy.
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