Chrysler Repair: 02 Diesel Voyager not working, fuse boxes, positive temperature coefficient
QuestionHi Roland,
Further to your previous e-mail regarding our Chrysler Voyager 2002 model diesel engine, we plugged into our diagnostic machine and unfortunately the diagnostic machine will not read the car - is there any other fuse boxes apart from the one near the engine? Is there a fuel cut off switch on this vehicle?
Sorry had to post this as a new question as I could not send a follow up question.
Thanks for your help.
AnswerHi Fatima,
As i check over the engine control module wiring diagrams I don't find any wires that power up that module except when the key is in the 'run' position so you might try looking for codes again but put the ignition switch in the run position. The other electrical source wire to operate the plug-in code reader in on pin 16 of the reader socket and that should be showing voltage regardless of the ignition switch's position. There is a fuse-like device (called a positive temperature coefficient device), #7, that is sending the voltage directly from the battery. So check for that voltage to be present at the code reader socket dark blue/red wire. There is no other fuse box. The fuel cut-off is probably done by the relay that operates the fuel "lift" pump and that relay is controlled by the engine control module itself. Fuse #15 powers the pump, but the relay has to close via the ecm action.
The fuse that supplies power to the ecm from the run position of the ignition switch is fuse 23 (to pin 22 at the ecm 81-pin plug), while fuse 16 is the power source for many of the engine fucntions but it is dependent on doing so by the closing of the ecm relay under ecm control. You might also check that pins 1,2,20, and 42 of the 81-pin plug of the ecm show them to be connected to the - post of the battery (ground) so as to complete all the circuits.
PS You can rate/nominate me again if you feel so-moved.