Chrysler Repair: 99 t&c headlight problem, willow water, spfd

Roland, I appreciated your prompt reply s; been away and just got back to where I could re-read your answers for follow-up. I tried to add to answer and ended up here when I got into the wrong portion of the Q/A session.
The dimmer part of the switch that I unplug for Trbl/St'g is the wheel switch next to the headlight switch. It does seem to add to the time that the headlights blink on/off when the headlight sw is turned off. Right now, it is not acting up. The head, park, tail & interior lights come on when the H/L sw is on and anything like door open, key turned on or door unlocked. The interior lights time out sooner than the ext. lights.
YES, I will most gladly reimburse you for the copies. 3630 S. Willow Water Lane Spfd., MO. 65809

Thanks again,

Hi Rich,
I will copy about 9 pages and mail them today. If you will be so kind as to send me back three 44-cent stamps to cover my costs I would appreciate that. Because the specific symptom you describe is not listed in the manual, and because it is intermittent, I still suspect the flasher. But perhaps with these materials you will find a wiring issue.
PS Please 'rate' this answer, and if you like also rate my previous answers, particularly notice the question about a nomination of me to be 'volunteer of the month'. This is the last day of May and I am in a tight race for that recognition. Thank you.