Chrysler Repair: 05 5.7L: crankshaft position sensor, crankshaft position sensor, crankshaft sensor

i have a 2005 300c hemi. it stalled on me and the engine light came on. two codes came up one said crank shaft sensor and the other said tmc sensor. what one is the problem or is both problems if so where are they located on the car.

Hi Dwayne,
On the crankshaft position sensor it is located on the right side of the engine block at the rear and it has a single plug-in connector with three wires (dark blue/yellow, dark green/dark blue, dark blue/gray). First raise the vehicle and go at it from underneath. It is held in place by a single bolt. Lift tab on plug to remove. When installing clean out the hole, put a little oil on the o-ring and using a rocking/rotating movement install it. Be sure the unit is flush with the block before intalling the bolt. Torque bolt to 9 foot-pounds.
Most likely that crankshaft sensor is the cause of the stalling. I can't identify what you mean by a "tmc sensor". Can you tell me the fault code number from which I can then ID it?
PS I wonder why you gave me a 5 for knowledgeability? I wanted to check the manual to be sure I had the details correctly.