Chrysler Repair: 1997 chrystler mini van, chrystler, smart ass
QuestionQUESTION: transmission has been only has reverse no other gears. what do i do to fix it?
ANSWER: u take it back to who replaced it and see what they are going to do about it
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I waited all this time for a smart-ass jerk to give me that crock of shit. My five year old told me that. FUCK OFF YOU DONT KNOW JACK
Answerthen u should have listed to your 5 year old they have a better idea of what to do then U did i take it
do u have x ray glasses and can see inside the trans? no do u have test equipment for testing the trans no do u have experience in telling me whats going on NO with out atleast the bare minimum info there is nothing any one can do online about this issue plus if U just had some one work on it or replace it then they surely have a warranty and let them dealer with it U paid for it.