Chrysler Repair: 96 Sebring Electrical (6 cyl), blown fuses, lock switch
QuestionSince I have owned the car (2 yrs)the odometer and tachometer would work only once in a while, then go out. About a month ago, the door lock switch quit working, but you could hear a "click"(the doors still lock automatically when car was in drive). After about a week, I noticed the radio was in-operable. After a couple of weeks, I noticed a "click" when I went to start the car, then the starter would kick in and start the car. I suspected the solenoid was getting weak, but after this occurring a total of 6-8 times, nothing will happen now, except the "click". I couldn't find any blown fuses, and started to jack the car up and try the starter, when it hit me that all these "electrical problems" could be related. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
AnswerThe only thing that all of your concerns have in common is the ground circuit in the car. I'd start by checking all the body grounds from the battery on out. Be advised that there are many of them both in the engine compartment and inside the vehicles cabin. Make sure that they are all clean and the fasteners are tight. This may not fix all of your problems but it's a starting point.