Chrysler Repair: town and country starts then shut down (3seconds), best guess, intermittent problems

My 1997 Town&Contry van model LXI has an occassional problem starting. This starts out by starting the van, all instruments and gauges  won't register any type of reading at all and the engine dies a few seconds after starting. The first time this happened I pounded on top of the dash just above the speedometer (out of frustration) and after trying one last time the van started and stayed running with all the gauges working. This has been going on for almost two years now. The weirdist thing is that you never know when it's going to happen as it does'nt happen every time. Sometimes 6 months might go by and other times it will happen twice a week. Does anyone have a clue what the problem might be?

I have start by saying that intermittent problems, such as yours, are the hardest to repair. The first step in any diagnostic is to confirm the condition then analyze the symptoms and related conditions. I cannot recall having a vehicle with the condition you describe. My best guess would be that there may be a wiring problem with the security system, which I assume you have seeing you have an LXi. I'll research the condition and get back to you when and if I find something.