Chrysler Repair: 00 Chrysler minivan 3.3L: ASD relay unstable/no start, chrysler minivan, oxygen sensors
QuestionQUESTION: i replaced the tranny/transaxle and now it will not start.the auto shutdown relay goes crazy when youturn the ignition crank unless you hold the ignition on for a few seconds but the obd isn't responding either.i was told to check the ecm fuse but there is no fuse that indicates for the ecm.i have gone over the vans ground wires checked for broken wires and found nothing.could the ecm itself be bad shorted some how?
ANSWER: Hi Edward,
Please specify the year model as you have a typo showing '200'. I don't want to guess.
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QUESTION: i fixed the typo sorry about that
AnswerHi Edward,
It sounds like either a short that is dragging down the voltage so far as to cause the ASD actuation coil to only oscillate the points rather than keep them closed, or a loose connection of the battery cable + wire clamp/ - wire clamp, or - wire to the chassis ground nearby. I would check fuse 17 which powers the ASD actuation coil as well as is the source of the current that the ASD puts out. That fuse powers the up- and down-stream oxygen sensors (one of which could have a shorted heater wire), the fuel injectors, the ignition coil pack, the field coils of the alternator. Pull the relay and measure to see what the resistance to ground is from pin #87 (the middle pin). It should be at least 0.6 ohm and ideally should be a good bit higher than that. Also measure the voltage shown on the battery when you turn the ignition 'on'. It should not drop significantly and if it does we will also have to check some other circuits/fuses that come into play in key "on" position. The ASD relay usually should click 'on' then go 'off' after a second or so if you don't try the starter. Then when you try the starter it should stay clicked 'on' until either the engine starts or you release the key from the start position. You can watch the voltage output of the ASD by measuring the voltage on the dark green/orange wire at the alternator. It reads 12 when the relay is closed, and 0 when it is 'open'. But do check the battery clamps and the ground point of the - cable clamp.