QuestionQUESTION: We've just purchased used 01 Chrysler T&C and when I was installing an infant car seat I noticed that outboard seat belts in the second and third row didn't lock when I pulled them quickly. Front seat belts work as expected; they lock when pulled quickly. Nobody at Chrysler dealership or customer service was able to explain to me the principle of seat belt operation. I was actually told that they may have to be replaced; estimated cost $2000. How do these seat belts work? Should they be replaced? Thanks.
ANSWER: Hi Andrea,
Pulling the belts quickly is not the means for testing the rear seat belt situation. There is not a mechanical/gravitational locking system but instead an electronic crash detection system which automatically tensions the belt by a fast-acting response in the case of an impact. If there is no warning light on the instrument cluster indicating a malfunction of the system then I would not be concerned as to functionality.
If you would like to verify that the on-board diagnostic capability has found nothing wrong with the vehicle do the following: turn the ignition key:"on-off-on-off-on and leave on" doing that in 5 seconds or less elapsed time. Then watch the odometer window in the cluster to see the mileage reading change to either show 'done' or to show a 4-digit fault code number preceded by a capital letter. Let me know if any such number appears, otherwise you have no issues to be concerned about.
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QUESTION: Hi Roland,
Thank you very much for your help. After a week of looking for an answer someone has finally be able to give me an answer. I have tried your test and here's the result: The system showed two numbers P 1684 then P 0700 and eventually it displayed done. What do those numbers mean?
ANSWER: Hi Andrea,
The 1684 means that some time in the recent past (50-100 key cycles) the battery was disconnected from the electrical system. In and of itself it should go away as time goes on and is nothing to be concerned over unless it persists and if so might suggest checking that the battery cable clamps are clean and tightly connected at the battery.
The 0700 is a catch all which says that a fault of some sort has been detected with the electronic transmission and that another fault code may be present that is specific. In the absence of anyother code about the transmission that one can be ignored and should go away. If you would like to erase that code and then see if it returns you can do so by in fact disconnecting the - post clamp from the battery for a minute or so, then reconnect, and drive the vehicle, and then try another fault code readout via the key. By disconnecting the battery you will not erase the 1684 code but rather restart the 50-100 count that I mentioned above so don't be surprised about seeing that.
It is also the case that the codes can be checked with a plug-in code reader, into a socket that is under the dash next to the steering column. A nationwide auto parts store, such as Autozone, will often do a free readout. An independent shop will so it for about $40. That way you could satisfy yourself that there are no fault codes other than the 1684 and the 0700.
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QUESTION: Hi Roland,
So I took the car to the dealer and got the infamous P0740 ;-) They didn't offer any possible solution except tranny replacement. However, I haven't noticed any issues with transmission so far. I asked them to clear the memory and see if the problem comes back. How exactly does that lock-up function work? Also, what could cause the engine to choke at around 4000 rpm when gas pedal is pressed down while in park?
AnswerHi Andrea,
The lock-up function of the transmission allow for the two rotors of the torque converter to be locked together once you get to about 40-45 mph. This feature allow for a bit of extra miles per gallon and also a bit more braking when you let off the gas, but it is not crucial to the functioning of the vehicle. If it did work you would notice a slight reduction in the rpm of the engine, sort of like a slight upshift, but nothing else. I would not be worried about this issue. It is not going to be worth repairing for the two benefits that I mentioned above.
If there is no other fault codes it is difficult for me to explain the choking of the engine. Dose it happen when you are driving? If not, I would not be concerned about that either.