Chrysler Repair: 96 LHS: Gauges not working, codes 1695, 1698, driveability problem, communication bus

QUESTION: I have a 96 LHS all the gauges are working intermittently The car starts but dies after 2 seconds.I get codes p1698 and p1695 I unlocked the doors with the key then it started. But the gauges still are acting up. Thanks Greg

ANSWER: Hi Greg,
Those 2 codes verify that the digital data to run the cluster is not being received always at the cluster. Is the vehicle operating normally otherwise? If so, then I would believe that it is an issue with the wire connections at the cluster or at the solder joints of the plug socket and the circuit board. I assume that got these numbers via a readout with a code reader plugged in under the dash, correct?
I have the '94 and '98 manuals one of which applies to you cluster. If you can tell me the colors of the two plugs on the back of the cluster I can then tell you which wires/pins/solder joints to check and possibly to repair to correct the problem. On the other hand it could mean an issue with the digital communication 'bus' itself which is centered in the body computer but that would very likely be noticed as a 'driveability' problem.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The same day the gauges quit working the car would start but would shut off after about 2 seconds I assumed this was due to the anti theft. could the bad connections on the cluster cause this to. Thanks again Greg.

The anti-theft system does also involve the need for communication between the bcm and the pcm via the digital data bus. But if you could by-pass the problem by unlocking the doors with the key then it might have been coincidental. Only time will tell if there is any continuing issue other than the cluster gauges.