QuestionQUESTION: My 99 Chrysler LHS A/C is squealing. I replaced all the belts, A/C Compressor and radiator fans last year. When the compressor is unplugged it doesn't make the noise, but when plugged/wired in it will squeal loudly on both a/c & heat. It usually will not squeal at just an idle but increases in intermittent squealing the faster I am going, until I shut off the heat or a/c at the switch on dash or just unhook the wiring under the hood all together. The heat will still work this way with no squealing; but it's going to be summer soon and an a/c would be great.
Thanks for your help!!
ANSWER: Hi Tyna,
Can you use a piece of rubber tubing as an 'ear horn' so as to localize the actual location of the squealing? It might be the a/c compressor clutch bearing, but I don't understand why having only the heat 'on' would do that unless you were trying to defrost the windshield which does also untilize the a/c compressor. Otherwise we need to locate exactly what is squealing. Take a look at the edges of the various component pulleys that are rotated by the a/c belt, looking to see if one of them is tilted relative to the common plane which they share, or perhaps one of the component pulleys is not in the common plane. Such tilt/alignment issue can cause belt squeal.
Let me know what you find by listening/looking.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks Roland,The noise is just when the defroster and A/C is on and not when the regular heat is on. I did try the Ear Horn thing at an idle, but it only starts squealing at faster speeds while driving, so I couldn't test it completely. The Clutch bearing sounds like it would be more likely after inspecting all the pulleys and belts, they all look good and seem to function properly. Since the Compressor is less than a year old it is still under warranty. I am going to replace the compressor once again and see if that does it and check everything again while it is apart. (thank goodness I don't have to hire this out, it takes a little while!)I will let you know so you can post for future related questions.
AnswerHi Tyna,
Did the replacement compressor come with the clutch assembly? If so, then replacing the unit under warranty seems reasonable. The clutch assembly and its bearing can be removed from the compressor and replaced separately if necessary. I can either xerox copy and postal mail you the pages that show how to do that or possibly attach them (from an '04 manual) to an email if you need to do that approach.