Chrysler Repair: ignition barrel, engine cranks, chrysler dealership

I am pleased that the fuse no longer blows. Now it appears there is still an issue with either the lock cylinder, the housing in which it mounts or the actuator that connect the cylinder to the ignition switch. Clearly the key position and the switch position are out of synch.  Only inspection of the situation will tell you what needs to be replaced (or adjusted?). I can copy some pages off of a CD for '04 model and attach them to an email which will show you how to dismantle whatever you need to do around those parts to figure out what is wrong.
But you need to tell me your email address as I don't normally see it. So select the 'private' option on a follow-up or new question and in the text type in your email address.

Hi Roland

My e-mail is [email protected]  or [email protected]

Hopefully this is the final part of the puzzle, you have been a great help.

Kind Regards


ANSWER: I got it, and I will make the copies and email them to you this day. Best of luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Roland, sorry for the delay but I have only just recieved my ign cylinder back from Chrysler, all seems to be in line, with the key in the run position all I have to do is depress the clutch and the engine cranks and starts, the key and switch will turn into the crank position but it's not needed. The engine cranked on its own a couple of times when I turned the key to the Off position but that seems to have stopped happening. I have called the Chrysler dealership and questioned they have supplied the correct ign switch, they confirm it is the same however the part No has changed! Any ideas ? I have taken it for a good test run and all else seems to be ok so I can use the van.

Kind Regards


Hi Mark,
The yellow wire on the ignition switch's pin 4 should not have 12v on it until you move the key to the 'start' position. Some how that wire is getting 12v in the 'run' position and even it appears in the 'off' position of the key. Pull the plug and see if it is the pin 4 itself that has the 12v or the disconnected yellow wire that shows 12v. That way we can focus on either the switch or the wire as the cause of the fault.