Chrysler Repair: 2000 neon hard to start/stumbles intermittently, neon 2, noise suppression

I have a 2000 neon 2.0 sohc that died out.We were able to get it restarted n got it home.At first we suspected a fuel problem,so I checked fuel pressure and have 45 psi.My injectors all ohm @ 18.seems to be ok,so I moved to spark,I had weak spark on cylinders 3 and 4,I replaced plugs and wires,only to have no change.The problem is its intermitten and I am not getting any engine codes to pop up with the key dance or scanner.I even got to where I am wondering if it is just bad gas since it just started after filling up.Sometimes it runs smooth as can be once it is finally started,usually with quick restarts it seems to start fine as well,I am at a loss and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, James

Hi James,
With no codes it is difficult to think of anything other than what you have done/identified/conjectured. You might want to verify that the noise suppression capacitor located near the coil pack (single dark green/orange wire coming from a splice at the front right corner of the engine) is working electrically and is not partially shorted to ground as that could weaken the primary coil winding signals. Keep looking for codes and let me know if you find one.