Chrysler Repair: leaking 97 sebring convert, radio chassis, rubber flap

QUESTION: My 97 sebring convertible jxi leaks when it rains, there is water in floorboards, and coming through front windows. I believe it is in the front panel as well, as my speakers and radio have shorted out. would buying a new top be the only solution? the trunk is dry, but I can hear sloshing when driving.


ANSWER: Hi Chrystal,
There are drain holes on the underside of the body, at the body metal seams that run from the rear of the front tire to the front of the rear tire. The holes may have a rubber flap covering them, and if you raise the flap and insert a rod into the hole which it covers the water will drain out.  Keep those drain hole open and the problem will be mitigated. Replacing the top will not solve the problem. It is assumed with the convertible body that water will get into the cabin and the trunk so body holes on both sides of the car are built in. You just have to open them up periodically.
There could be a leak in the area of the windshield that you might be able to seak with a sealing compound that you can find at an autoparts store.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much, I think even I can handle that! LoL.  Do you think that will help with the wiring problems I'm having? Or is that probably not related. I have disconnected the radio, because it would crackle so loud it was driving me batty.

Is the radio making noises even when you have a CD or tape as the sound source? If not, then perhaps the antenna plug is loose or corroded at the rear of the radio where it plugs in. If it is noisy on all sound sources then it could be water intrusion in the radio chassis (if there is a windshield leak at the center of the windshield, directly over the radio) or an outside chance that it has to do with water getting on a speaker at a corner of the dash or in the door or at the rear. About all you can do then is see if it goes away as your water intrusion problem subsides, or get into the speakers and pull out the radio and see if you can see what might be going on to cause this.