Chrysler Repair: Town & Country sliding door handle, latch handle, postal mail

I need to replace a sliding door handle for my Chrysler Town & Country (1999 limited, 3.6L) - the old one has snapped at the hinge and I ordered a replacement (the whole assembly) but having trouble removing the old assembly, never mind fitting the new one. It seems I need to remove the whole trim from the inside of the door to get to the screws, and that has proven difficult as the lock and door handle mechanisms both seem to be attached to the trim. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Simon,
Which handle are you replacing: the outside latch release or the inside latch handle? and/or the latch mechanism? In any case, there are trim panel removal details so lengthy and with figures I would believe you would do well to have the full pages of text and figures to work from. I can photocopy those and postal mail them to you. Just send me a 'private' follow-up and tell me a postal mailing address. If I can cover it in 4 pages or less there will be no charge, but if it is more, then if you could reimburse me at 10 cents a page plus the stamp that would be appreciated, but you wouldn't have to do that until after you receive them.