Chrysler Repair: rear heater hose assembly, windshield wipers, metal piping
QuestionQUESTION: How do I get the heater hose out as it has so many turns. I have tried from the top and the bottom. Do I have to take the houseing off under the windshield wipers or what. Please help
ANSWER: What is the year and model? I assume it is a minivan, but what year and which engine? If you are speaking of a van from '98 to '06 then it appears that the connection of the hose to the metal piping is under the van behind the crossmember rather than at the wiper module. Have you looked there. The only thing said in all those manuals is about removing the hose is if it won't pull off after twisting back and forth then it will have to be cut off nipple and replaced. Let me know a specific year as I do have manuals pre-'98 to refer to.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: 2003 dodge caravan sport with a 3.8 ltr engine. The tubing from the firewall down underneath the car on passenger seat side. Cannot get the old one out as it has so many turns. Bought the new heater hose tubing assembly-do you have to drop the cruise control in order to take it out or is there an easier way. Thank you
AnswerHi Beverly,
Unfortunately I have found no specific instruction about how to remove the metal tubing in any of the manuals. I wish I could be of help but not having done this myself nor having a vehicle to reference I am unable to give you any suggestions. About the only idea that comes to my mind, if you simply have a hole in the old pipe, would be to go to a plumbing supply store and get a repair sleeve and rubber gasket which you could wrap around the pipe and hole and seal it that way. Of course if the pipe is totally shot that is not an option.